Sunday, May 22, 2011

Why does it have to be this way?

It's been kind of fun joking about the recent Rapture, but clearly it is not all fun and games.  Besides the poor souls who sold their belongings in preparation for the big day, there were other consequences as well.  Check out this distrubing story about a woman who attempted to kill herself and her two young daughters in preparation for Harold Camping's Rapture.  I don't know what Jesus is doing about it, but I wept.

Why?  Why does it have to be this way?

Camping wasn't the first to predict the Rapture, and he will not be the last.  And some subset of the faithful will fall in line each and every time.  Dismayed by the world around them, they will gladly welcome God to step in and set things right as opposed to taking matters into their own hands and trying to make the world a better place themselves.

Faith can be a very, very dangerous thing.  Anything I can do to plant enough doubt to keep people from enacting such horrendous crimes in the name of their god is worth my toil.


  1. This is so sad. We've wondered amongst ourselves how many people might "drink the Kool-Aid" in a half-joking sort of way. Though I did expect some of Camping's followers to do such, it really hits hard to actually see it play out. This is all so very sad.

  2. It is heartbreaking. Simply heartbreaking.

  3. And unnecessary. "No one knows ..." and what happened to trusting God?

    Planting doubt will not prevent such tragedy because faith isn't the problem. Since Sarah and Hagar (as documented by Ms. Stern) it is when people take matters into their own hands "doing" God's work, or "forcing" God's hand, or trying to outmaneuver God, that these tragedies occur (as with Sarah and Hagar sometime at historic proportions).

    It is a sad and needless tragedy, that faith could have prevented. We need more not less.

  4. David, if this lady had doubted the Rapture, do you think she would have done those deeds?

    Ms. Stern's analysis is incomplete. There are times when God expects you to take matters into your own hands. There is a reason why the expression "faith can move mountains, but you better bring a shovel" is cliché. And who could forget how Phinehas, in Numbers 25, took matters into his own hands and got rewarded by God?

    I suppose you would like to see more faith, like Phinehas?

    I don't expect you to align with my perspective here, but I think you can see my point.
